Weather Forecast Summary for Wednesday 4th March

sunset fungus rock pete bullenWeather Forecast Summary for Wednesday 4th March (the Maltese version follows the English one): The weather is expected to be mostly sunny with light Force 3 northwesterly winds backing southsouthwesterly and increasing to a moderate Force 5. Low of 13°C / High of 20°C.

Tbassir tat-temp għall-Erbgħa, 4 ta’ Marzu: It-temp mistenni li jkun il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi b`riħ ħafif Forza 3 mill-Majjistral li jdur lejn in-Nofsinhar il-Lbiċ u jsir moderat Forza 5. L-inqas 13°C / l-ogħla 20°C.

Detailed weather forecast at

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And a big thanks to Pete Bullen for this lovely pic taken at sunset from Dwejra in Gozo.

Posted in Local Photography, Weather Forecasts

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