Detailed forecast for tomorrow’s possible rain/storm

tsi_21Detailed forecast for tomorrow’s possible rain/storm. Please LIKE and SHARE for others too. Thanks.

An upper level pool of cold air is expected to extend towards the Maltese Islands from the northeast after midnight. This will create atmospheric instability over the Maltese Islands with POSSIBLE rain showers that MAY be thundery at times forming mainly but NOT exclusively from 4am till 9am and affecting mainly the northern and northeastern parts of the Maltese Islands.

Estimated rainfall totals: 1.9mm to 18.7mm (light to moderate, possibly briefly heavy at times)

Rainfall probability: 55%

Thunderstorm probability: 55%

Significant rainfall probability: 90%

Hail probability: 15%

Note: Summer storms are EXTREMELY fickle and therefore HIGHLY unpredictable and create their own winds and motion. This may mean a storm may bypass the Maltese Islands by just a few kilometres or may only affect a small area of the Maltese Islands. The Maltese Islands are TINY in comparison with most other countries and weather models are UNABLE to predict storm formation on a small scale of just a few kilometres. However, most weather models are predicting some rain over or close to the Maltese Islands tomorrow Thursday.

Posted in Lightning, Weather Forecasts, Weather maps

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