Weather Forecast Update for today

sunrise dingli cliffs Rom BongailasWeather Forecast Update for today (the Maltese version follows the English one): The weather is expected to be mostly sunny becoming partly cloudy with moderate Force 4 northwesterly winds backing westnorthwesterly. High of 25°C / low of 17°C.

Tbassir aġġornat tat-temp għal-lum: It-temp mistenni li jkun il-biċċa l-kbira xemxi li jsir ftit imsaħħab b`riħ moderat Forza 4 mill-Majjistral li jdur lejn il-Punent Majjistru. L-ogħla 25°C / l-inqas 17°C.

Stay safe and check out the jellyfish-safe beaches at

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A big thanks to Rom Bongailas for this lovely pic taken at sunrise from Dingli Cliffs

Posted in Local Photography

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