Detailed weather forecast for Christmas Day

christmas catDetailed weather forecast for Christmas Day. Please LIKE and SHARE for others too. Thanks.

7am to 10am: Partly cloudy with light Force 2 NW to W winds. Temperature 12°C to 15°C.

10am to 1pm: Partly cloudy with light Force 2 W winds backing WSW and increasing to Force 3. Temperature 15°C to 17°C.

1pm to 4pm: Partly cloudy with light Force 3 WSW to SW winds. Temperature 17°C to 15°C.

4pm to 7pm: Partly cloudy with light Force 3 SW winds backing SSW and increasing to a moderate Force 5. Temperature 15°C to 14°C.

7pm to 10pm: Partly cloudy becoming cloudy with moderate Force 5 SSW winds. Temperature 14°C.

Posted in Weather Forecasts

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