Take care if you intend to stay in the sun

st thomas bay rita attardTake care if you intend to stay in the sun as the UV index is 9 today! This indicates a very high risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Minimize sun exposure during midday hours, from 10am to 4pm. Otherwise, seek shade, cover up, wear a hat and sunglasses, and use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Today’s high is expected to reach 26C with a real-feel of 27C. Sea temperature is 21C.

A big thanks to Rita Attard for this lovely photo of St Thomas Bay. This place is safe to swim in today. The full list is available at http://www.maltaweathersite.com/jellymap.asp

Updated weather forecasts in both Maltese and English on www.maltaweathersite.com

Posted in Jellyfish, Local Photography

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