Some weather sayings for June

Some weather sayings for June in Maltese:

- Ġunju ħanin ixabba’ lil-bidwi u lil-fqir
- Ġunju Ġunjett, ineħħi l-qmis u d-dublett
- Ġunju, Ġunjett, ineħħi l-trizzi u l-kappell.
- Ġunju kbir, rasu ras il-ħmir
- Ma’ Ġunju, il-ġurnata titwal u s-siġra titqal
- Ma’ Ġunju l-bhejjem għatxana u l-bdiewa għarqana

And a few in English:

- A leaky May, and a warm June, bring on the harvest very soon.
- When it is hottest in June, it will be coldest in the correlating days of the following February.
- A wet June makes a dry September.

A big thanks to Nielsen Hebbache for this fascinating photo of the Azure Window in Dwejra Gozo.

Posted in Local Photography, Sayings

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